Branding & Marketing Services

Branding can become the competitive advantage of your business, ensuring a prominent position in the hospitality industry, by upgrading the image of your business, while offering the opportunity to increase the revenue of your business activity.
COCO-MAT has managed to position itself in the minds of consumers as a leading company with global appeal. COCO-MAT's marketing and digital marketing experts can connect your hotel brand with that of COCO-MAT, through partnerships, plus advertisements, promotions with COCO-MAT's well-known advertising media, but also design special promotions, so that you can create the image you want for your business, while also targeting COCO-MAT's global clientele.
Study/research for nomenclature/concept & story telling of the hotel , Display on the Hotel Locator map , Advertising COCO-MAT's Social Media worldwide, Participation in corporate Newsletters , Creating internal communication in the rooms , Press releases in the Media , Co-advertising in magazines